
Web Design & Development, Logo Design

This project showcases the creation of a multilingual website for Chia-Min Hsia, a Taiwanese artist based in London. As an MFA graduate from Kingston University, Chia-Min’s work explores the intersection of utopian imagination and everyday human experiences, particularly in the post-pandemic era.

The website’s design prioritises a playful yet unobtrusive aesthetic, ensuring the art remains the focal point. A key feature is its multilingual functionality, catering to both English and Chinese-speaking audiences. The site employs sophisticated language-switching logic, utilising CMS, JavaScript, Local Storage, and Netlify Redirects to provide a seamless user experience.

Technical highlights include:

  • Automatic language selection based on user location and system preferences
  • Persistent language choice stored in local storage
  • URL path standardisation for consistent navigation
  • Cloudinary integration for optimized image delivery
  • Webflow for design flexibility, converted to 11ty using Udesly
  • Netlify CMS for efficient content management

This project demonstrates the fusion of artistic vision with technical innovation, creating an accessible and engaging platform for Chia-Min Hsia’s compelling artwork.

Chia-Min’s name in Mandarin Chinese on the home hero section

the desktop menu of the wbsite with language switching

Project page for a piece of Chia-Min’s Artwork